Ever since I started practicing meditation about a year and a half ago, it has become a subject of regular study for me. After reading countless blogs, books, and listening to recorded talks on meditation, I had found that groups from every religion, not just Buddhism, practice some form of meditation or other. In fact, I learned that meditation was often the one most important part of a religious practice for many sects, whether you were an orthodox Jew or a Sufi mystic.
After having learned this one fact, I found within myself a deeper respect for other religions, even ones which I had regarded in the past as backwards, overly superstitious, or reactionary. I realized that if this one fact about meditation could challenge my preconceptions about what really makes up a religion, perhaps I could find others as well. This is why I have assembled a list of facts which aim to show that religions can’t be put inside a box, and that all of them have wisdom and insight that the world could definitely use.
This list was organized in no particular order:
1. Many Early Christians Believed in Reincarnation
Reincarnation was a widely accepted belief among the early Gnostic Christians. The idea that someone went to heaven or hell based on something they did in one lifetime was a doctrine developed by the Roman Catholic Church, most likely to establish more control over adherents to the religion. After all, if people got more than one chance to get to heaven, the laws of the church would then be rendered meaningless because sinners would get infinite chances to try again.
2. The Buddha Was Probably Not a Vegetarian
3. Jesus Christ is Mentioned 5 Times in the Qur’an more than Muhammad
4. Hindus Can Also Be Atheists
5. Judaism Evolved from a Polytheistic Religion
6. Meditation is not Limited to Eastern Religions
7. New Religious Texts Continue to Be Discovered
8. The Buddha was Canonized as a Christian Saint
9. Islam had the First Theory of Evolution in the 9th Century
10. Non-Jews Can Get Into Jewish Heaven
11. Even With a Literal Interpretation of the Bible, Homosexuality may Not be a Sin
12. The First Buddhist Statues Were Made in the Greek Hellenistic Style
13. The World’s Oldest University was Established by a Muslim Woman
14. The New Testament has a Lot of Outtakes
15. Many of Our Great Scientists were Deeply Religious
16. Wearing a Veil is Not Required in Islam
17. Angels as we Know Them Today are Artist Inventions
18. Islamic Fundamentalism is a Pretty Recent Development
Bold claims on 9,13,18. Evolutionary theories were being debated in Greece, China, and Rome long before Muhammad’s crew stormed out of the hejazi desert (e.g. Lucretius’ “On the Nature of Things”). University-equivalents, places of higher learning, were also prevalent throughout antiquity. Fundamentalism, a relative term, existed in the Islamic world prior to Qutb. He, and others like Abd al-Wahhab (co-founder of Saudi) were both influenced by Ibn Taymiyyah of the 13th century, among other Islamist scholars. Careful with your sources there; I advise against sourcing “facts” about the history of a particular religion from websites devoted to the promotion of such religion–religious propaganda is inevitable.
fast: real Omar_Khayyam was anti-theist 😛
Islamic fundamentalism isn’t new, The USA has been fighting muslims since the 1700s when they were attacking our shipping. Piracy was a common way to make money for muslims back then.
Good one…but kenji, what about sikhism. …what do you think about it. ..reply soon
You realize the “founding fathers/sons of liberty” were considered terrorists by the British. One of the most celebrated acts (Boston Tea Party) was considered a flagrant act of terrorism. It lead to a full-on war with huge casualties – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Revolutionary_War
Thank you for the insightful article kenji, I’m really enjoying reading your articles!
Although I feel that the point about the Buddha not being vegetarian is a bit ambiguous. From what I’ve learned from Buddha’s teachings it is my understanding that the precept to “abstain from causing harm and taking life (both human and non-human)” as well as other precepts were always followed by the precept to “not encourage others to do the same”. In Buddhism, it is as wrong to encourage or knowingly accept someone else breaking their precepts as it is to break your own, especially not for your sake. In that way, how could the Buddha encourage the meat seller to kill the animal by allowing his chefs or devotees to buy it for him? Also, how could he encourage others to encourage the meat seller to kill the animal by allowing them to buy it for him? These precepts are only beneficial because they are a universal good, therefore how can we encourage others to do something while we abstain from it and know it is harmful?
The times when I can see it being acceptable according to this precept to eat meat could be an occasion when your act of eating the meat in no way encourages the killing of the animal, such as if you were invited to dinner and the family would have served meat wether you had been there or not, or if there was meat that was going to be wasted if you didn’t eat it. In other words, in situations where you eating the meat in no way increases the demand and supply (increased killing). Or if you were in a location or situation where it would be impossible to survive without eating meat (this is why Tibetan Monks eat meat).
Just some thoughts from me, but its also great that this article is breaking down some of the common misconceptions and stereotypes about Islam and helping us all to forget what we think we know!
Sanna 🙂
Actually, the very first country to recognize the US as a newly independent nation was a Muslim country, i.e. Morocco.
A very useful article,but personally i dont like dees kind of thngs tht whnever some1 tok abt religion y others strted fighting over their beliefs,
Mah request(if any1 can follow i’ll b highly thankful to him) :- Read,learn and if u can not learn due to ur highly appreciable intellectual abilities thn freinds “DO RESEARCH” on it
####Omnist 🙂
idiotic nonsense.
thank you for article!
Hinduism has first theory of evolution…. in Dashawatar…