I’ve been busy working on some AI-powered Game Master tools, some of which will eventually become exclusive to our patrons. The first of these tools is the Bookshelf Generator, a concept that was proposed by one of my users on our AI Game Master Tools discord server. This user mentioned that a particular PC in their group always had a penchant for investigating bookshelves, with the aim to perhaps find some hidden lore. This GM often found it challenging to have in depth material prepared for every bookshelf, however and suggested a tool that could generate a list of book titles as well as a description of the contents within. This seemed pretty straightforward to make, so I went ahead and created it.
This tool enables you to not only input a setting—be it a generic RPG setting like Dungeons and Dragons, specific realms within those worlds like Forgotten Realms, Waterdeep, or Baldur’s Gate, or other game worlds like Night City from Cyberpunk 2077, the Ninth World from Numenera, or Rokugan from Legend of the Five Rings—but also specify the exact location of the bookshelf. Whether it’s in the study of an eccentric wizard or the waiting room of a ripperdoc clinic.
Finally, the Bookshelf Generator presents an optional field where you can input unique genres that may not be typically found in that location. Perhaps it’s a collection of cookbooks in a wizard’s tower or romance novels in a town master’s office.
The tool then generates an appropriate list of book titles. From there, you can choose to generate more specific details about the title, including the author name, author Background, physical description of the book, a summary of the book and a book excerpt. Finally, each book has a potential hidden secret that players may uncover if they pass the appropriate check. I’ve aimed for this tool to be system-agnostic, with checks ranging from easy to very hard and corresponding to generic skills you can align with the system you’re using.
The Bookshelf Generator will be freely accessible until the end of August. Afterward, it will become exclusive to patrons at the $3 tier.
I welcome any questions or feedback about this new tool—I’m excited to hear what you think. Happy bookshelf exploring!
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