It’s been nearly three months since my last blog post about making time for side-projects. Since then, I’ve mostly been in the process of redesigning and making a few small changes to the app itself before I start to plan a marketing campaign. I’m astonished how much devoting a minimum of ten minutes per day on this project has helped me get things done.
A word of warning to the Type A personalities like myself, however: The ten minutes per day DID help me stay committed to Goldhat, but very often I had tried to push myself to work when I had no energy or willpower to do so–especially on the weekends. After about a month of this, I suffered a minor burnout. When I had recovered, I made sure that I didn’t force myself to work when I knew the quality of my output would suck anyway. Now, I’ll often end my work when I still feel like I can get more done. This helps me build a reserve of energy which carries on to the next day. So far, this seems to work for me, and I’ve managed to keep a reasonable balance between productivity and sanity.
Productivity insights aside, I’m very pleased to share with you a video interview I had done with Marquis Parker of Marquis is an MBA and business blogger whom I had met through my outreach for TeachStreet’s Featured Blogger Program. In addition to sharing his own insights about business and careers, he frequently interviews entrepreneurs, bloggers and successful businesspeople and gets them to share their stories. I’ve never shared the complete story about my career path on this blog, so anyone who’s interested can check it out here. Hope you like it!
A note: in order to prevent web scrapers from stealing his content, only the newest post on his site is available to those who don’t have an account with If you’ve come to this blog post late, you can still check out the interview after registering (for free).