I have come to regard Agatha as one of my favorite characters in the Lost Mines module although she certainly didn’t start that way. Initially she seemed like a placeholder character in a tiresome fetch quest, but after taking some time to flesh out her backstory and motivations I believe (and I hope you’ll come to agree) that Agatha can be so much more than the trivia question answerer the module presents her to be.
First Things First: Let’s Call her Auglatha
As the My Realms Blog observes: “[The name Agatha] makes her sound like a character from an episode of Bewitched” and not an an infamous undead being who apparently knows everything about everything. (Incidentally, the My Realms blog has a WEALTH of ideas for deepening the story and lore behind Lost Mines Characters and Quests. If you want to run the Conyberry encounter with a little more depth than the module offers, this article on Agatha should be required reading).
According to the article, apparently in one of the D&D CRPGs “it was revealed that Agatha is actually a corruption of the banshee’s surname which is Auglatha meaning Winterbreeze“. This is so much cooler than the original IMHO. Also, at the end of the article we’re given a suggested given name for the banshee: Melarue.
Because Melarue seemed a better family name to me, I preferred to make her name Auglatha Melarue. Either way, the name certainly has a bit more gravitas to it.
To avoid confusion, the banshee will still be referred to Agatha with occasional references to Auglatha in parentheses.
Building Agatha’s Origin Story
While I’ve crafted my own backstory for Agatha (offered below), here are some important questions to think about should you write your own:
- Who was Agatha in life? Elves live a very long time, so it follows that Agatha may have some living family members. If a member of your party is elven or half-elven they may even be related to her! Indeed, they could have a still living grandparents who knew Agatha personally. Consider incorporating this into a character’s backstory on session zero.
- Since nothing in the Monster Manual seems to suggest that Banshees are adept at divining, it makes sense that Agatha was an adept of divination both in life as well as in undeath. How did she learn her powers of divination?
- Banshees are, according to the Monster Manual, “the undead remnants of elves who, blessed with great beauty, failed to use their gift to bring joy to the world. Instead, they used their beauty to corrupt and control others.”1. How did Agatha corrupt and control others?
- How did Agatha die? Banshees are forever bound to the place of their demise. She probably wasn’t a native of Conyberry, as it was a mostly human settlement of subsistence farmers. How did she end up there? Why did she die there?
- Who was Agatha’s enemy? There are lots of beings in the realms who can live for hundreds of years. Whoever killed Agatha may still be alive somewhere out there (This could be the perfect hook for a future adventure). This enemy might be good or evil, and could have even been a former ally who betrayed her.
- According to the Monster Manual Banshees are “forced to relive every moment of its life with perfect recall, yet refuses to accept responsibility for its doom.” Is there someone or something that out there in the world who can convince Agatha to accept responsibility for her evil actions, perhaps in a much longer character arc?
My take on the Agatha Story
For my take on the Agatha story I stole another idea from the My Realms Blog that was just too good: Agatha’s family actually owned Cragmaw Castle in the distant past. If a party member makes a high history check or does a thorough investigation of Iarno Albrek’s bookshelf (Iarno would likely be interested in the history and lore of the Cragmaw tribe’s current hideout), they may learn about the location of a “Melarue Keep”, somewhere in Neverwinter Wood. The connection between the Keep and Cragmaw Castle may not become clear until later, however.
A Family of Diviners
Agatha’s family, the Melarues, were expert diviners and as such they worshipped Sehanine Moonbow, the elven goddess who was particularly adept at divination and illusion spells. As a form of devotion, all family members had been trained in one or both of those arts. Agatha was particularly adept at divination and learned to scry at an early age. In Cragmaw Castle, the altar that had been defaced by King Grol’s priests was originally built to honor the Melarue patron goddess. In keeping with Sehanine’s love of illusions, Cragmaw Castle has a secret sanctum that the Goblins have not yet discovered (I will write about the secret sanctum in another article, but essentially this secret sanctum will lead to clue hooks which will start the quest for the Redemption of Agatha the Banshee.
A Gross Betrayal
I really wanted Agatha to be a character that the party could sympathize with. So instead of being corrupt, as the Monster Manual suggests, I envisioned her as being corrupt-ed. When I ran the campaign, Agatha was seduced by an evil bard in league with the green dragon Chuth (who makes an appearance in Tyranny of Dragons–feel free to replace Chuth with another long lived baddie to match your campaign). The bard tricked her into divulging the secrets of her family keep’s defenses (See the supplementary quest: The Redemption of Agatha the Banshee). When Chuth manages to break into the family’s secret sanctum and devour her family, Agatha seeks revenge on her lover at their favorite meeting place near Conyberry only to meet her end at his hand.
Building a Better Plot Hook
Building all this backstory for Agatha, however, may become a wasted effort if the party doesn’t feel like they want to go visit her in the first place. And honestly, the quest hooks that the module gives aren’t super enticing.
We need to build a better plot hook to get the party to be interested in meeting sister Gaerele or Hamun Kost in the first place (the only two quest givers). Since sister Gaerele is a Harper, and because Harpers are enemies of the Red Wizards, it follows that Gaerele would try to track down Hamun Kost and perhaps be captured by him. Should the partyrescue her, she may trust them enough to give them the Agatha quest.
Since this plot hook covers more than just the banshee, I have created a separate article for it: Old Owl Well/Agatha Plot Hook: Sister Gaerele is Missing!
Agatha/Conyberry Lore
When researching Agatha, I also looked looked into her lore and honestly I didn’t really find anything super helpful for her backstory. However, perhaps someone else can be inspired by a tidbit in the lore of Conyberry or Agatha when building their version.
Some interesting tidbits:
- In the Halfling’s Gem, a novel by R.A. Salvatore, the heroes Drizzt Do’Urden and Wulfgar, upon recommendation from Malchor Harpell, an eccentric mage, visited the banshee in order to steal a magic mask that would essentially help Drizzt look less like a drow and blend in better. When approaching Conyberry, they encountered the villagers of Conyberry who seemed protective of her. They urged the two not to kill Agatha. They plugged their ears full of beeswax to protect themselves from the Banshee’s wail, snuck in, and stole the mask. This happened about 150 years before the events of Lost Mines, but I imagine she’s still bitter about it.
- Apparently the villagers of Conyberry had a good relationship with Agatha. They would give her gifts that flattered her and she would in turn protect them from invaders.
- Conyberry has been sacked by the Uthgardt Gray Wolf tribe–essentially barbarian werewolves. Should you want to involve werewolves in a future quest, this would be a great connection to make. Notably, the tribe seems to have had Orcish enemies, so this could make for a compelling connection with the Wyvern Tor quest.
Further reading/Watching:
- My Realms Blog Article on Agatha (Highly Recommended!).
- How to D&D Video – Agatha of Conyberry
- Forgotten Realms Wiki Pages
Looking for more? Check out other articles from the Lost Mines of Phandelver Guide!
Kenji, I’m not even finished reading all your comments on Auglatha but these ideas are incredible! I originally found a like here from someone off of Reddit and I am so glad they linked it! Thank you for sharing these amazing ideas and the research you put into it!
Very nice. I wrote this up taking what you wrote and trying to harmonize with other wiki entries i found.
History of Cragmaw Castle and the Banshee Agatha
Cragmaw Castle used to be known as Melarues Castle, or in common Winterbreeze Castle. This castle was owned by an elven family a few hundred years ago of which Agatha was a member of. Her real name was Auglatha and her family was known for protecting the Neverwinter Wood and for their great skill in magical divination. Their magic skills were sought out by many. Yet, lo, they were not attuned enough to save themselves. The Melarues were devout worshippers of the Elven Goddess Sehanine Moonbow.
The Lunar Lady, Sehanine, was a very protective deity towards elves. She sent omens to keep her people from danger, crafted illusions around elven hideouts like Evermeet, Myth Dyraalis, Rucien-Xan, and Synnoria, and organized the journeys for elves to these lands. Sehanine Moonbow was noted as the most powerful of the female elven deities but her power was not stable. To be more precise, it fluctuated with the phase of the moon. She was at her most powerful under full moon, weak under new moon or fully eclipsed moon, and practically powerless during daytime.
The Melarues family gathered a good amount of wealth and crafted numerous divination magic items. Over time they crafted an artifact called Goleuni’r Lleuad (Light of the Moon). Goleuni’r Lleuad was a crystal orb filled with moonlight. It allowed the attuned user to cast Truesight, Foresight, and Scrying each once per day. It could be used 10 times total until a full moon when it would be recharged. The artifact become known outside the castle. An ancient Green Dragon, Claugiyliamatar, who lived in the nearby Kryptgarden Forest came to know of the artifact and greatly desired it.
Claugiyliamatar was a very intelligent and powerful dragon who was fascinated with humanoids. He sought to influence the Sword Coast and to play politics with the powers in the region. He had gained a group of followers including an evil bard, Kelethian. He tasked Kelethian with finding the secrets of the Melarues family as well as their castle. Ultimately, he wanted the orb and used Kelethian to acquire it. Kelethian sought Auglatha out, enthralled her with his natural charm and won entry into the castle and the trust of the Melarues family. With the secrets of the castle and the location of Goleuni’r Lleuad known to him Claugiyliamatar caused a band of Orcs to attack the castle. The attack had no chance of succeeding, but was enough of a threat to allow Claugiyliamatar to time his attack and destroy all the family of Melarues. However, the bard had come to have feelings for Auglatha and whisked her away to save her life. His goal was to be her savior and keep her for himself in a sick romantic fantasy way.
Kelethian and Auglatha would frequently meet in Conyberry, a special place to them. Their first romantic night took place in the nearby grove to the north west where a small garden and gazebo was built just inside the woods. It was here Kelethian took her the night her family was murdered by the orcs and Claugiyliamatar. Kelethian proposed to her as her home was destroyed. Upon accepting and returning home in gladness she was overtaken by the horrors before her. Using her skill in divination she learned the Green Dragon had done this and that her betrothed was his accomplice.
Auglatha came up with a scheme for revenge and called her betrayer to meet her at their special place. When he arrived Auglatha attacked him with bitter rage. However, Kelethian proved too skilled and killed her in the best and worst place to her on earth. In the bitterness of her death she was born into a banshee. She had a torn soul full of bitterness and sadness. She felt her only living connection with the town of Conyberry whom she protected. Eventually Conyberry was destroyed by the were-wolf barbarians the Gray Wolf Tribe. The lived in Conyberry for years and plagued the entire area for decades. Around 15 years ago adventurers were hired to remove them from the area. Their leader was defeated and many of the tribe killed. The tribe fled the area with their new leader, Envir Sykensdottir, the daughter of their deceased king.
Rough Timeline
~1000 Melarues Castle firmly established
1200 Auglatha born
1275 Goleuni’r Lleuad created
1300 Claugiyliamatar arrives in the area.
1310 Kelethian entreats Auglatha
1315 Melarues Castle Destroyed
1315 Auglatha killed and turns into a banshee
1373 Claugiyliamatar fees Kryptgarden due to an attack by many other dragons during Dracorage
1385 Spell Plague hits
1425 Gray Wolf Tribe destroys Connyberry for good. Roams the region
1470 Gray Wolf Tribe attacks Neverwinter
1471 Adventurers attack and kill Gray Wolf leader.
1472 Small Neverwinter army attacks the leaderless tribe killing most and running off the rest.
1472 Conyberry completely abandoned
CLAUGIYLIAMATAR: Gargantuan Green Dragon L-E
AUGLATHA LIVING: Female Elf Level 9 Wizard Divination Focus
AUGLATHA BANSHEE: See banshee stat block below.
Sorrow Bound A banshee becomes forever bound to the place of its demise, unable to venture more than five miles from there. It is forced to relive every moment of its life with perfect recall, yet always refuses to accept responsibility for its doom.
Beauty Hoarders The vanity that inspired the banshee’s cursed creation persists in undeath. These creatures covet beautiful objects: fine jewelry, paintings, statues, and other objects of art. At the same time, it can’t bear to see the horror of its own existence. A single glimpse of itself is enough to send a banshee into a rage.
KELETHIAN: Male Elf Level 12 Bard/7 Fighter. Current Age 250, whereabouts uknown.
GOLEUNI’R LLEUAD: Crystal Orb 6-inch Diameter which charges from the light of the full moon. Each full moon the orb regains all lost charges. The orb is a high divination artifact allowing the attuned owner to cast up to 15 spells between charges. Each spell can be cast once per day; Truesight, Scry, Foresight.
Fantastic edition to my game and opens up the rp encounter to SO much more. The bitter untrusting ex-lover who must suffer with the memory of her failure. Very well put together.